Some of you know how I love everything english: english cottages, english homes, english countryside......even english weather and english food!!! Not that we can't find beautiful things all over the world but it's just a passion I have. And I decided to give myself a gift: a one-year subscription of The English Home magazine. And it arrived in the mail today!!! I am looking forward to sitting down with this beautiful magazine and enjoying every bit of it.
Alguns de vocês sabem que eu gosto muito de tudo o que é inglês: as casinhas inglesas, a paisagem inglesa......e até mesmo o clima inglês e a comida inglesa!!! Não é que não haja coisas bonitas noresto do mundo mas é uma paixão que eu tenho. Decidi então dar um presente a mim própria e fazer uma assinatura anual da revista The English Home. Chegou hoje no correio e estou ansiosa por me sentar a desfrutar de cada bocadinho desta revista.
7 comentários:
i wish we could get that magazine here..I love anything English also..
Happy reading..
Enjoy every bit of your new magazine!!!! I like English and French thing too! CHEERS! Michele
I was just stopping by to see what you were up to. For some silly reason my hand, which was so much better, is really hurting today so I am not up to typing. So I made this little message to let you know I still came by...and I loved your post because I always do!
Roberta Anne...The Raggedy Girl
It looks like a great gift to yourself!
I love everything english too, that looks like a great magazine, let us know what you think :)
Pascoa Feliz!
I bet you are relaxing and just loving reading your wonderful gift to yourself! Yeah!
I love all things English too :-) That looks like a great magazine with so many wonderful photos and ideas and inspiration. Muy divertido!
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