sábado, abril 25, 2009

I'm singing.... (not in the rain)

Just a few pictures of DD doing what she loves: singing and dancing!

9 comentários:

Mari disse...

Cute pictures! She does look like she's enjoying herself!

Isabel de Matos disse...

Apoia esse talento, Lara!... :)
Eu também tenho uma cantora cá em casa (já crescida), mas sempre o foi desde pequenina)

Lulu disse...

she is so adorable.

BECKY disse...

Oh she is too cute, Lara!! How fun!! Do you sing also?? I can sing a little, but am better with a group!!

Have a blessed Sunday, sweetie!!

The Raggedy Girl disse...

That is just so sweet.

Have a Blessed Sunday
from The Raggedy Girl--Roberta Anne

Anónimo disse...

Great to see kids doing what they love doing!

Blessings each day disse...

She looks so cute. Thank you for sharing!


P. disse...

Who knows what will be her future...


mara disse...

que felicidade a sua lara.
tenha uma vida sempre feliz.