quinta-feira, novembro 20, 2008

Bookworm Award

I've been tagged by Sandra (thanks Sandra) and the rules for this award are:Pass this on to 5 blogging friends. Open the closest book to you, not your favorite or most intellectual book, but the book closest to you at the moment, to page 56. Write the 5th sentence, as well as two to five sentences following that.
From Aspects of Lincoln - Discovering Local History, by Andrew Walker
«Traditionally these shops had dealt with minor first aid and dentistry as well as shaving and cutting the hair of male clients. Traditionally too they provided strong waters, possibly as a mild anaesthetic for their surgical practice. There were only two recorded in the first half of the centuryy but nine between 1662 and 1684. This increase can be attributed to the general adoption of wigs by men with any social pretension.»
Now I'm going to tag:
Ana, at Prisma
Mari, at My Little Corner of the World
Linda, at Ivory Blossom
Have fun doing it!!!

6 comentários:

P. disse...

Thanks for the invitation.I was a bit surprized.


Anónimo disse...

oops, i have no book near me, just instruction guides...I'll do this when I'm at home

Mari disse...

What a fun and easy one! Thanks for tagging me!

Cris disse...

Lara, fiz amizade com muitas portuguesas pelo blog. Identifiquei-me com seu testemunho sobre oração... acontece o mesmo comigo. Bjs!

Sandra disse...

Thank you for playing along :)


Anónimo disse...

pobre; ter que trabalhar muitas horas e não ver o suficiente para sua família.
Essa era a história de sua vida, Aqui vai:
"uma vida com pouco sentido, a precária e
insossa existência da terceira geração de imigrantes napolitanos.
Em algum recôndito compartimento de minha mente podia ouvir o
intrincado som de seu falatório; entretanto, o resto por minha consciência tinha passado a outro mundo, meu tão prezado universo privado..."