terça-feira, outubro 28, 2008

If I was...

I saw this at Sandra's blog and thought it was fun to do.

If I was a month, I would be... September
If I was a day of the week I would be... Sunday
If I was a number I would be... 9
If I was a planet I would be... Earth
If I was a direction I would be... North
If I was furniture I would be... table
If I was a liquid I would be... water
If I was a sin I would be... gluton
If I was a mineral I would be... Lazurite
If I was a metal I would be .. Gold
If I was a tree I would be... weeping willow
If I was a fruit I would be .. strawberry
If I was a flower I would be... rose
If I was the weather I would be .. mist
If I was a musical instrument I would be... guitar
If I was one of the elements I would be... water
If I was a color I would be... pink
If I was an animal I would be...cat
If I was a sound I would be... waves
If I was a song lyric I would be... Perto quero estar
Junto aos teus pés
Pois prazer maior não há
Que me render e te adorar
Tudo que há em mim
Quero te ofertar
Mas ainda é pouco eu sei
Se comparado ao que ganhei
Não sou apenas servo
Teu amigo me tornei
Te louvarei
Não importam as circunstâncias
Adorarei somente a tiJesus.
If I was a song I would be... "Perto quero estar" by Toque no Altar
If I was a music genre I would be... ballad
If I was a perfume I would be... Pleasures
If I was a feeling I would be... understanding
If I was a book I would be… a biography
If I was food I would be… shrimp curry
If I was a place I would be ... a mountain
If I was a taste I would be... chocolate
If I was a scent I would be… rose
If I was a word I would be… smile
If I was a verb I would be… to love
If I was an object I would be… a book
If I was a clothing item I would be… a dress
If I was a body part I would be… eyes
If I was an expression I would be… smile
If I was a cartoon character I would be… Sleeping Beauty
If I was a movie I would be… The Sound of Music
If I was a shape I would be… circle
If I was a season I would be… Fall
If I was a quote I would be… “A house is made of walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams.”~Dr. William A Ward

1 comentário:

Mari disse...

I had to listen to the song to see what it was and it's one I really like! Draw me close to you! That was fun.