quinta-feira, outubro 09, 2008

Physical exercise

A-Z of Fitness by Nicola Streeten
A-Z of Fitness

I have never liked exercising. In fact, I have always had a problem with it. I know it is good for your health (but not for losing weight, as I'm told. I've always gained weight when I was exercising. I don't know the answer for that though!). I've tried different types of exercise but after some time I'm just tired of it and want to do something else or nothing at all.
I hear some people say that the first week can be rough but then you get used to it and feel motivated. I feel exactly the opposite, I feel motivated for the first weeks and then I start losing interest. Other say that if you feel an obligation to the money sent, you'll just keep going to the gym. I don't feel any obligation. I just forget the moneyI have spent!
Last year I used to go to a gym but this year I decided to try exercising at home because I can't afford the gym. I'm still exercising but I'm already unmotivated. Maybe I haven't found something I like. Today I realized that Icould dance for an hour. I love doing it and it can be done at home. It is also a form of exercising and it's fun, though I don't know if I will enjoy doing it every day. Any ideas??? I'm only accepting ideas from people like me, who don't enjoy exercise!!!

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

bem, eu vou dar a minha opinião de qq forma: não gosto de ginásios, de aulas aos pulinhos, etc e tal, mas adoro dançar, só que claro se o objectivo tb é ter uma boa postura, além de manter os musculos a trabalhar aconselho vivamente o caminhar em passo rápido: a minha estratégia é a seguinte: phones nos ouvidos com as minhas músicas preferidas e sair a dar uma volta a pé, tem é de ser em passo rápido com respiração bem feita, costas direitas e barriga encolhida. Ao fim de uma hora paro e faço alongamentos, que é o segredo para ter bons musculos, primeiro esforçá-los e a seguir esticá-los. Isto claro que com uma boa paisagem e uma boa musica torna-se algo muito agradável. Eu pelo menos gosto ;-)