The weather in my neck of the woods: Sunny but not too hot.
One of my simple pleasures: Daydreaming.
On my bedside table: The Bible; Drawing Near - John Bevere
On my TV: I've just watched the news and then turned it off.
On the menu for tonight: Duck rice
On my To Do List: Clean the bathroom, clean the fridge and many other things.
New Recipe I tried last week: Nothing new.
In the craft basket: Nothing at all! I was so excited about knitting and crocheting and stopped doing it. I must start again.
Looking forward to: I really don't know!
Homemaking Tip for this week: I can't think of anything. Sorry!
Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other): I haven't read anything but I'm looking forward to doing it! Well, I've just found out something I'm looking forward to!
Favorite photo from last week: They're still on my camera but I'll post them later this week.
Lesson learned the past few days: That everyone deserves a second (third, fourth.........) opportunity. Isn't it what God does with us?
On my Prayer List: My brother Pedro, who is sooooo far away, and my grandmother, who fell thrice this last week and is so weak and sad.
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses: «I can do everything through him who gives me strength.» Philippians 4:13