quinta-feira, novembro 18, 2010

Thankful Thursday

It's the first time I join in with Thankful Thursday but I think it's a great idea. This year I'm also thinking about celebrating Thanksgiving with my family. I know it's not a Portuguese tradition but if «we» decided to start celebrating Halloween a few years ago (I don't), why don't we start celebrating Thanksgiving, which is a better tradition?

I am thankful for so many things but today I am especially thankful for a husband who loves me.

3 comentários:

Mari disse...

I think it's great you want to celebrate Thanksgiving. Being thankful is good, no matter where you live.

My Mad World disse...

That is always a very good thing to be Thankful for!!

I used to do this every week, I think I need to start doing it again.

Thank you so much for stopping by and for the wonderful comment!

Have a blessed day!

Jennifer C. Valerie disse...

Oh yes! I will echo you there. I am truly thankful for a husband who loves me. Enjoy Thanksgiving.