Catarina happily wearing her new scarf, knit by her Mom!
I would like to have your opinion as this blog is not just for me, but it is also for my dear readers.
My princess
Sandra is hosting Happy Homemaker Monday and I'm joining in

Finally driving after having had my driving license for 15 years!
I've been visiting Heather's blog for more than a year and although we've never met in person and I don't comment very often on her blog, for me, Heather and her family are already part of my family and I pray for them daily.
My Mum and Granny on Mother's Day. During summer, my Granny's health started getting worse every day and now she spends almost all day in bed. It breaks my heart to see her like that.
Just a few words to my dear readers who are asking me what has happened since I have not updated my blog lately.
It is the only photo I have posted in June and it's me with our new car!
Sometimes I want to quit blogging and lately I haven't been too much into blogging.
Our first day at the beach.
I'm back (am I really??? I've been saying this on my latest posts but then I spend another long period of time without posting). (Only one post in August and no photos!)
Cá estou eu novamente, não sei se para ficar ou não, até porque o meu lema aqui é «blogging without obligation». (Only two posts and no photos! Now that I am doing this, I can see that I spent more than half of the year trying to decide whether I should or shouldn't blog!!!)
....that I am still here!!!!
My 40th birthday!!! It was in September but I posted the photo in October.
Este fim-de-semana temos aqui a nossa querida amiga Cíntia, uma mulher segundo o coração de Deus, linda, maravilhosa.
Pais e mães, por favor parem de dizer às vossas criancinhas que os manos e manas que nasceram ou estão para nascer são resultado das vossas preces fervorosas.
3 comentários:
I enjoyed seeing these pictures again, and I'm glad you are still blogging after all that thinking!
Desejo-te um 2010 muito abençoado:)
I enjoyed this, it was fun going back in the year and seeing all the pics again :)
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