I just love diaries. I have been «addicted» to them since my teen years and I can't live without my diary! My hubby says that I look like a busy career woman with my diary always at hand! Well, I am a busy woman. But not a career one. Unless someone considers my work as a career. I would call it a mission instead.
Everyone in the family knows this «addiction» so my Mum and Grandma always give me one at Christmas. For many years, they chose a Taschen diary. Taschen has a good collection of diaries. I've had several but I remember for example the Van Gogh diary, the Monet diary, one with New York pictures, another one with angels. Last year, my Mum gave me a different one. A small Sarah Kay diary. I love Sarah Kay drawings and my wedding invitations and table markers had Sarah Kay drawings. I'll show them to you one of these days.
This year I got another different diary and, for the first time, not an English one. It is French. Très chic! My Mum brought it from Côte d'Azur last September. It's a very nice diary with lots of recipes and little secrets to use at home. At first, I felt a bit weird reading it and writingin it. I can read French. I have learned French for ten years and I was quite good at it, but then I started working and never did any translation in French. And I stopped reading French. I shouldn't have done it because I forgot a lot of things. I can still read but I'm no longer able to speak or to write properly in French. I like my new diary and maybe I'll start practising my French again.
4 comentários:
I like diaries too and yours is such a beauty.
I've never used a diary, but sometimes my blog is kind of like one! I wish I had used a diary when I was younger. It would be fun to look back on.
And of course, we need one with a daily view, another with a weekly view, yet another with a monthly view, and so forth!
Oh! It looks like a very nice one!
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