quinta-feira, outubro 30, 2008

Off for the weekend

This weekend I'm going to know a Portuguese city where I've never been before. It's in the northern region of Portugal. We're going there for a special family event and I'm sure we're going to have a wonderful time. Please pray for us. See you next week!

terça-feira, outubro 28, 2008


I don't like Halloween but Catarina wanted so much to do something that I decided to do some paper crafts with her this afternoon. Here is what we did. As usual, the photos are not very good. Sorry!

If I was...

I saw this at Sandra's blog and thought it was fun to do.

If I was a month, I would be... September
If I was a day of the week I would be... Sunday
If I was a number I would be... 9
If I was a planet I would be... Earth
If I was a direction I would be... North
If I was furniture I would be... table
If I was a liquid I would be... water
If I was a sin I would be... gluton
If I was a mineral I would be... Lazurite
If I was a metal I would be .. Gold
If I was a tree I would be... weeping willow
If I was a fruit I would be .. strawberry
If I was a flower I would be... rose
If I was the weather I would be .. mist
If I was a musical instrument I would be... guitar
If I was one of the elements I would be... water
If I was a color I would be... pink
If I was an animal I would be...cat
If I was a sound I would be... waves
If I was a song lyric I would be... Perto quero estar
Junto aos teus pés
Pois prazer maior não há
Que me render e te adorar
Tudo que há em mim
Quero te ofertar
Mas ainda é pouco eu sei
Se comparado ao que ganhei
Não sou apenas servo
Teu amigo me tornei
Te louvarei
Não importam as circunstâncias
Adorarei somente a tiJesus.
If I was a song I would be... "Perto quero estar" by Toque no Altar
If I was a music genre I would be... ballad
If I was a perfume I would be... Pleasures
If I was a feeling I would be... understanding
If I was a book I would be… a biography
If I was food I would be… shrimp curry
If I was a place I would be ... a mountain
If I was a taste I would be... chocolate
If I was a scent I would be… rose
If I was a word I would be… smile
If I was a verb I would be… to love
If I was an object I would be… a book
If I was a clothing item I would be… a dress
If I was a body part I would be… eyes
If I was an expression I would be… smile
If I was a cartoon character I would be… Sleeping Beauty
If I was a movie I would be… The Sound of Music
If I was a shape I would be… circle
If I was a season I would be… Fall
If I was a quote I would be… “A house is made of walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams.”~Dr. William A Ward

My Blogging Personality

I did the test and the result was:
My Bloginality is ISFJ!!!

«You are an ISFJ!

As an ISFJ, you are Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging.This makes your primary focus on Introverted Sensing with Extraverted Feeling.
This is defined as a SJ personality, which is part of Carl Jung's Guardian (Security Seeking) type, and more specifically the Protectors or Nurturer.
In blogging, your journal will always be immaculate and have a touch of style. You may also feel overwhelmed because you want to be a part of everything going on. Because of your wonderful memory, other bloggers may come to you to ask about things you posted months before.»

Don't come to me to ask me things I've posted months before because my memory is not at all wonderful!!!

segunda-feira, outubro 27, 2008

Youth Summit

First, I would like to thank you for your prayers. Catarina is fully recovered.
We have been very busy this weekend with this Youth Summit. We had young people and leaders from churches in Northern Ireland, England, Spain, Italy and also Portugal. It was such a wonderful time where God was praised. But we also realized that Europe is the continent which is in greater need of missions. And it is the missionary field for which we pray less.
The couple who stayed with us was very nice and we spent a very good time with them. And we hope to visit them in Ireland next year.
This weekend I was also challenged by God and by our Pastor. I had to translate into English the preachings of two other Pastors. For those who don't know, speaking in front of so many people was a nightmare for me, something I always thought it would be absolutely impossible. And added to that, I'm not used to speaking in English. I write, I read, but I don't usually speak. I was sooooooo nervous. But God helped me and I survived!!!

quinta-feira, outubro 23, 2008

House Guests

We are having a couple from Ireland, stay with us for four nights. I love having guests at home and preparing everything to make them feel welcome. Unfortunately, today my little princess is ill. Please pray for her.

terça-feira, outubro 21, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet by Grace Pullen
Home Sweet

I know I've written about this before but I'm going to do it once more. Apart from my blogger friends, I don't know a single woman who loves being at home. And those I know who are at home are doing it either because they have small children and feel it is important to spend more time with them, or because they are unemployed. There might be other reasons but they all agree in saying that they would prefer doing some kind of paid work because they want to have their money and/or because they need to feel fulfilled. They need to know that they are doing something useful.
I don't want to say that all women should be at home. I do think it would be better for most women but I'm not entering that discussion. I just want to tell those women who are at home for some reason that it is possible to be happy and fulfilled at home. I've been through all experiences: I've worked outside the home, I've worked from home and have been paid for doing it and now I'm a happy and fulfilled full-time wife, mother and homemaker. I don't feel the need to earn «my» money because though we have to live more frugally than other families, we have more than enough and we trust in God's provision. And as for the fulfillment, there is nothing more rewarding than caring for your loved ones, for your home sweet home, and being available to help those who might need you.
I'm so grateful for this opportunity that God gives me every day to serve my family.

segunda-feira, outubro 20, 2008


Rainbow of Miracles by Flavia Weedn
Rainbow of Miracles

A nossa querida Sarah pregou mais uma vez este Domingo e foi muito bom ouvi-la. Deus falou aos nossos corações através dela. Agora um aparte para a Sarah: é desta, Sarah. E perdoe-me as falhas. Voltou a acontecer-me o mesmo mas desta vez vou tentar).
Aqui fica um resumo (muito resumo mesmo) da pregação da Sarah:
Vivemos tempos de crise mas a Igreja foi chamada para um tempo como este.
Porque é que não há mais milagres?
Esta pergunta é feita por pessoas em aflição, por líderes que querem ver o poder de Deus a mover-se nas nossas comunidades, e por tantas outras pessoas. Perante uma doença, por exemplo, é muito frequente fazermos esta pergunta.
Alguns respondem que não acontecem prque não temos fé, porque temos pecado na nossa vida ou porque temos de pagar pelos pecados dos nossos pais. Nenhuma destas respostas vem de Deus.
Em Actos 2:41-47, temos um vislumbre da vida e do espírito da primitiva Igreja. E quando este livro foi escrito, já havia problemas e dissensões entre os crentes.
«e muitas maravilhas e sinais se faziam pelos apóstolos.» - Na vivência da primitiva Igreja, isto era normal. E porquê? Porque tinham uma vivência onde a graça de Deus podia fluir à vontade. E porque era assim?
2:43 E em cada alma havia temor, e muitas maravilhas e sinais se faziam pelos apóstolos.
2:44 E todos os que criam estavam juntos, e tinham tudo em comum.
2:45 E vendiam suas propriedades e bens, e repartiam com todos, segundo cada um havia de mister.
2:46 E, perseverando unânimes todos os dias no templo, e partindo o pão em casa, comiam juntos com alegria e singeleza de coração.
3:4 E Pedro, com João, fitando os olhos nele, disse: Olha para nós.
4:23 E, soltos eles, foram para os seus, e contaram tudo o que lhes disseram os principais dos sacerdotes e os anciãos.
4:24 E, ouvindo eles isto, unânimes levantaram a voz a Deus, e disseram: Senhor, tu és o Deus que fizeste o céu, e a terra, e o mar e tudo o que neles há.
4:31 E, tendo orado, moveu-se o lugar em que estavam reunidos; e todos foram cheios do Espírito Santo, e anunciavam com ousadia a palavra de Deus.
4:32 E era um o coração e a alma da multidão dos que criam, e ninguém dizia que coisa alguma do que possuía era sua própria, mas todas as coisas lhes eram comuns.
4:33 E os apóstolos davam, com grande poder, testemunho da ressurreição do Senhor Jesus, e em todos eles havia abundante graça.
Hoje em dia, as pessoas só falam no eu. Mas os apóstolos disseram nós. Os sentimentos que eles tinham não eram subjectivos, eram operativos, levavam-nos à acção. O amor era muito forte e a graça de Deus não encontrava barreiras porque tinham um só coração e uma só alma.
Pensamos que isto não é possível nos nossos dias mas podemos avançar nos mesmos princípios que norteavam a Igreja primitiva, para podermos ver milagres e maravilhas e a graça de Deus a fluir. Igreja é vivência completa e total uns para com os outros.
Para muitos crentes hoje, Deus é feito à nossa medida ou então é um Deus distante. Mas na Igreja primitiva, em cada alma havia temor. Que Deus traga temor sobre a Igreja de hoje. Temor mas não medo.
Quando entendemos que Deus é presente nas nossas vidas, não há como não ficarmos cheios de temor de Deus. Deus olha para o nosso coração e a graça de Deus não pode fluir num coração que não é transparente.
Que o Espírito de Deus traga à Igreja um banho do amor de Deus!

domingo, outubro 12, 2008

Descubra as diferenças!!!

Ok, Ok, não é preciso dizerem porque eu sei que não sou tão jeitosa como a Sharon Stone. Tenho espelhos cá em casa!!! Mas vamos às compras no mesmo sítio. LOL

quinta-feira, outubro 09, 2008


I've never really been an arts&crafts person but lately, thanks to my blogger friends, I have discovered that I love making cards using whatever I have at home. And now that Hubby is working on Saturdays, Catarina and I usually spend the afternoon making cards. And we have great fun. Here are some photos of our last Saturday.

Physical exercise

A-Z of Fitness by Nicola Streeten
A-Z of Fitness

I have never liked exercising. In fact, I have always had a problem with it. I know it is good for your health (but not for losing weight, as I'm told. I've always gained weight when I was exercising. I don't know the answer for that though!). I've tried different types of exercise but after some time I'm just tired of it and want to do something else or nothing at all.
I hear some people say that the first week can be rough but then you get used to it and feel motivated. I feel exactly the opposite, I feel motivated for the first weeks and then I start losing interest. Other say that if you feel an obligation to the money sent, you'll just keep going to the gym. I don't feel any obligation. I just forget the moneyI have spent!
Last year I used to go to a gym but this year I decided to try exercising at home because I can't afford the gym. I'm still exercising but I'm already unmotivated. Maybe I haven't found something I like. Today I realized that Icould dance for an hour. I love doing it and it can be done at home. It is also a form of exercising and it's fun, though I don't know if I will enjoy doing it every day. Any ideas??? I'm only accepting ideas from people like me, who don't enjoy exercise!!!

segunda-feira, outubro 06, 2008


A minha querida Carla fez-me este desafio. Aqui vão as minhas respostas:

O que fazia eu ha dez anos:

Juntei os trapinhos com o João, tinha acabado de me despedir do meu emprego num empresa do grupo PT para fazer traduções em casa, estava no meio de um grande reboliço familiar, ainda tinha os meus avós paternos (e tantas outras pessoas) vivos e graças a Deus que já passaram dez anos e a minha vida se transformou para melhor.

O ano passado:

Estava a começar a planear o nosso casamento, que foi lindo, e estava a começar esta aventura do ensino doméstico com a Catarina.

5 snacks que gosto:

Eu acho que gosto de todos (infelizmente!!!) mas pode ser chocolate, batatas fritas de sal e vinagre, bolinhas de queijo e gomas.

5 cancoes que sei de cor

Eu gosto imenso de cantar e tenho uma facilidade enorme para decorar as letras. Oiço uma vez ou duas e já está. Por isso é difícil enumerar cinco. Mas ultimamente as que sei melhor são as que cantamos na Igreja ou as da Ana Paula Valadão (sim, Carla, eu oiço os CDs qu tu me ofereceste).

5 coisas que nao voltaria a vestir /calçar:

Também estou como tu, Carla, esta é difícil, mas vejamos:

Mini saia

Aquelas perneiras, ou lá como se chama aquilo, que se usavam nos anos 80 e acho que estão outra vez na moda.



Gostava também de eliminar as calças, especialmente as de ganga, mas ainda não consegui.

5 Brinquedos que gosto:

Esta dos brinquedos, espero que não tenha segundas ou terceiras intenções. LOL Mas assim de repente, não estou a ver. Eu brinco com a minha filha mas não tenho brinquedos preferidos. Em criança eram as bonecas, as loicinhas, os fogões (já tinha queda para as actividades domésticas!) mas agora os meus brinquedos são os livros e o computador.

Agora passo o desafio a todos aqueles que me visitam. Mas depois digam-me para eu lá ir espreitar.

sábado, outubro 04, 2008

Creative Love

Mari had this posted. The idea is that you are assigned a letter and you need to list 10 things you love, that start with that letter. The letter Mari gave me was C.
1- Christ (Jesus), my Lord and Saviour.
2 -Catarina, my daughter's name.
3- Cooking
4 - Cream
5 - Countryside
6 - Chocolate
7 - Cardmaking
8 - Cinema
9 - Coffee
10 - Cats

Thanks, Mari, for your help.
If someone wants to do this, let me know in the comments and I'll give you a letter.

quinta-feira, outubro 02, 2008

quarta-feira, outubro 01, 2008

Quince marmalade and quince jelly

This weekend I made quince marmalade and quince jelly. It is one of the sweetest memories of my childhood in this time of the year. And I love keeping with tradition.
Here are some photos: